[PAID] Schema ListView – Render Large Lists of any Design with many advanced features

1. Introduction

Description: This extension helps you to create list view of any type of design with schema very easily. This extension uses recycler view library that allows you to larger no of lists smoothly without any lag.

This extension has many features:

  • Inbuilt Recycler View.
  • Inbuild Image Loader to load heavy images from URLs.
  • Supports schema and template.
  • No separate component creation required.
  • Inbuilt Search Function.
  • Inbuilt Click Listener.
  • 20+ Item Animation.
  • 64+ scroll animations.
  • Supports Grid View.
  • Smooth Scrolling.

Latest Version: 1.1.0

Released on: 07 September 2021

Updated on: 07 January 2022

Aix Size: 165KB

2. All Blocks

image image image

Orientation and Layout Manager


Scrolling Animation

image image image

Item Animators


3. Documentation

4. Usage and Demo

4.1 Generate Schema

Since this extension works on schema template principle, here is how you can generate or create template.


You can use my Schema Generator to generate the schema for your any type of design.

Method-2(Only for AI2):

4.2 Blocks

Let’s play with blocks now.


Before initializing, configure your properties like animation etc.


Here is a list of names that I will use to render data on the list.


Now initialize the list view with template, animations etc.

in : Horizontal/Vertical Arrangement, this will not work with scroll arrangement.
type : Linear/Grid
orientation : Horizontal/Vertical
reverseLayout : pass true if you want to use reverse layout i.e last item of the list will be shown first.
schema : JSON template of your design.
clickListeners: You can enable the clicks on your component directly from here, pass the ids of all the components in a list on which you want to enable the click.
animation : Set scrolling animation
total : Set the total amount of list that you want to show.


Here, you have to fill your data in the components. For example, I am using a simple list view that has a label which shows usernames, so now I will use this event SetValues to set the user names on the label from my above list. Use GetComponent to get the component from the id. You can also perform other tasks here.


This extension provides you direct event to get click on the component, you just need to enable the clicks on Initialize block. This event returns you the id, component and index of the item which is clicked.

So this was the basic usage of the extension for rendering a simple data list.


Set the textbox empty or search empty string and your original data will be return by OnSearch event to reset the list again, it’s like closing search bar.

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4.3 Search Feature

This extension provides the search function that allows you to implement search feature very easily. Let’s see how to use it.


For implementing search, first you have to use ConfigureSearch block to register the lists that you want to use for searching strings. This block accepts a list of multiple lists. For example, if you have data like name, surname, address. And you want to search a string in all of these list then just give these lists to this block.


I have created a search bar to get input of the search.
Now track the textbox text and use Search block to search the string, this block will search the given string in the lists that were used to registered by ConfigreLists block.


Once the search is done, OnSearch event will be triggered with the new data, you must update your data list here to show the user new data. sortedList return a list of lists as the search operation were performed in multiple lists(that were registered), so I have used here select list item block to update my original list. This will update and show the new data to users.


5. Screenshots

6. Price

For India: ₹499

Outside India: $7

7. Donate

If you liked my any work or the extension, you can support by donating some amount.

Paypal: paypal.me

UPI: iamwsumit@kotak

If you have any issue regarding the extension then you can contact me here

Thank you

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