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Material CardView
This extension allows you to create androidx and material card view component in your apps. This extension contains two designer components(two extension in one) i.e CardView(Androidx Card View) and MaterialCardView(Material library based card view).
04 January 2025
Secure SQLite
This extension helps you to access SQLite database that is also called offline MYSQL of your app. This extension comes with many features which allows you to use the SQLite database very easily with predefined queries and function with inbuilt encryption.
13 July 2024
Custom ListView
This extension allow you create a list view in your apps. This list view is far more better and customizable than the normal list view of the builders..
07 September 2021
InApp Billing Extension
This extension allows you to integrate Google In-App Billing into Android apps with this Blockly AI2 extension. Sell digital goods and online subscriptions.
23 May 2023
Custom ChatView
This extension allows you create chat view that allows you to send text, image, voice and file messages across the private or grouped users.
14 May 2022
Schema ListView
This extension helps you to create list view of any type of design with schema very easily. This extension uses recycler view library that allows you to larger no of lists smoothly without any lag. .
15 September 2023
Onesignal Push
This extension allows you to implement onesignal push notification in your apps with latest SDK v4.8.3. This extension works in all latest android devices(12, 13). This extension works on all AI2 distros. This extension also prevent the crash issue of kodular inbuilt onesignal push..
11 October 2022
Firebase Messaging
This extension allows you to implement the Firebase messaging service in your apps. FCM helps you to deliver push notifications like onesignal in your apps. Unlike onesignal FCM is fully free for push notifications. You can send notifications to individual person by there FCM token or you can send push notification to a group subscribed by multiple users. You can send notification to any amount of users in FCM..
07 November 2021
Dall-E Image Edit
I have developed DALL-E extension for MIT App Inventor and Kodular, which allows you to generate creative and unique images using Chat GPT artificial intelligence. This extension also helps you to create different image variations..
01 September 2023
Copy Properties
This extension allow you to copy all designer and other properties of any visible component to other component. This extension can help you copy properties in dyanmic components too..
01 September 2023
Flurry Analytics
This extension allows you to implement flurry analytics in your app with newer version of flurry library. You can use this extension to track statics of your apps..
01 September 2023
Image Compressor
This extension allows you to compressor large sized images to desired quality with resolutions and much more..
23 June 2023
Digital Asset Link
This extension allows you to generate asset links JSON very easily, with this extension you don’t need to search for your signature and other things. After generating, you can paste that json in your hosting..
11 June 2023
Contact Saver
This extension allows you to save contacts with name and phone numbers. It can also ask permission to save the contacts and you can wether you have the permission or not..
01 September 2023
File Uploader
This extension allows you to upload any type of file to your custom hosting like hostinger, 000webhost etc. This extension work on a simple 2KB php file that will be upload on your hosting file manager. You will get the php file with the extension. If this extension gets 5 purchases then I will make a free image compressor extension for latest android devices..
06 April 2023
Circular Seekbar
This extension allows you to create circular seekbar with many customisation and properties. This extension comes with circular progress and a circular pointer that can be customized. This extension can be used in music apps due to its good UI..
23 March 2023
Badge View
This extension allows you to set the bade view on any type of visible component with many customisations and properties. You can check the demo for more information..
19 March 2023
Firebase Analytics
This extension allows you to implement firebase or google analytics in your app. This extension is only available for kodular. You must use firebase auth with google service json file to use this extension..
02 December 2022
SMS Utils
This extension allows you to read user sms messages with many types of filters. You can fetch all inbox, sent, drafts messages very easily by time and sender names filter with the help of this extension..
11 September 2022
Label Pro
This extension allows you to show word click animation on labels. You can detect the clicked word and can show it with any highlighted color that you want..
08 September 2022
Slide Pager
This extension allows you to create a page slider. It can be used to show mulitple layouts as multiple screen in only one activity. This extension creates a view pager that is unscrollable by the user, only you can select which page has to slide.
01 September 2022
IP Utils
This extension helps you to get the user IP from the online API. This can be done with web component too but this extension makes it very simple and easy..
26 August 2022
Firebase Store
This is the remake of the Firestore extension that was developed by Jarlisson. Since this extension was stopped working when all builders was migrated to Androidx libraries. I have remade this extension to make it work work with others builders. This extension is currently tested in Kodular and Niotron and it is working in both of them. This remade extension contains a lot of changes such as extension name and extension size is increased too but it won’t affect your APK size much. This extension uses all the sources and all blocks of the older Firestore extension. I have added some new features such as Increment and maybe in future I would be able to add more. This extension now works with other firebase components too..
03 July 2022
Recycler Pager
This extension allows you to create view pager with recycler view in horizontal and vertical orientation. This extension is based on modified sources of Recycler VeiwPager library on Github. Since this extension uses recycler view as view pager so there is no issue in showing 1000s of pages without any issues..
02 July 2022
Alarm Manager
This extension allows you to implement alarms in your apps. This extension can show user a notification with given title and text at given time that is set by you and with this extension you can launch a custom activity just like professional alarms even with lock screen. This extension works after the reboot of device..
30 June 2022
Fetch Downloader
This extension is a very powerful and simple file downloader tool. This extension helps you to download files to ASD and shared folders as well..
13 March 2022
Firebase Addon
This extension is same as native firebase component but comes with some extra features and blocks that can be very usable on specific purposes..
10 February 2022
Page Transformer
This extension allows you to animate transformers on view pager that helps you to animate pages while swiping or changing the pages..
26 December 2021
Expandable View
This extension is a pro version of my older expand collapse extension. This extension allows you expand or collapse content withing the header..
10 December 2021
Dynamic ClickUtil
This extension is very useful tools that helps you implement click listener for dynamic component with very easy and few blocks..
07 December 2021
Web Socket
This extension allows you to establish web sockets connection over multiple users to listen the real time changes or messages that are sent by subscribed users..
05 December 2021
Motion Toast
This is a simple extension that allows you to show custom layouts toast messages and default layout toast messages with many customizations.
22 November 2021
Color Seekbar
This extension allows you to create color picker sliders with alpha and color type values with many customizations. This is a simple extension.
23 October 2021
Mary Dialog
This extension allows you show custom dialog of any layout with animation from origin view to the dialog view that is used in many big apps..
21 October 2021
Baserow Socket
This extension allows you to create and establish live websocket server that listen your baserow database changes that are made at real time..
17 October 2021
Popup View
This extension allows you to create any layout as popup and could be shown at any given x, y coordinates by giving manually or giving a view component..
13 October 2021
Text Drawable
This extension allows you to create simple text drawable with many extra customizations. This extension could be used to create profile avatars for users..
28 September 2021
Swipe ActionView
This extension allows you to create a second hidden layout in a layout or a dynamic list that could be animated or shown on swiping the the main layout..
13 August 2021
Baserow Database
This extension allows you to use Baserow database that is a far better alternative of Airtable in your apps. This extension is based on Baserow’s rest APIs..
03 August 2021
Screen Animation
This extension allows you to apply animations while switching between screens. There are 8 types of animations available that you could use for animation screens..
27 July 2021
Try Catch
This extension is a very useful tool for apps made with app inventor and kodular. This extension helps you handle all the exception and errors of blocks..
21 July 2021
Parallax ViewPager
This extension allows you to create a simple view pager without tabs. It’s abilities is that you could use parallax animation while switching between pages..
15 July 2021
Shimmer View
This extension is a pro version of my older shimmer textview extension that allows you to create and apply shimmer effect on any view or layout of AI2..
14 July 2021
Shapeable View
This extension allows you to create layouts in many shapes such as rounded, circler and triangles shapes. You can create 9 types of layout with it..
11 July 2021
Strip ViewPager
This extension allows you create view pager with a tab layout with strip indicators of many types. This extension was published paid but now it is free for all..
06 July 2021
Custom Indicator
This extension is a pro version of my older extension named Dots Indicator. This extension allows you to create dots animation with 8 types of styles..
04 July 2021
Custom TextView
This extension allows you to create a lot of more than 6 types of textviews or labels with a lot of properties and animations include fade and scale..
01 July 2021
Fluid Slider
This extension allows you to create slider with a kind of fluid or bubble animation. This is my first kotlin library based extension by Rush..
24 June 2021
Recycler View
This extension allows you to create recycler views in your apps. This extension works with dynamic components that makes it very usable..
20 June 2021
Static Variables
This extension allows you to create global static variables in app inventor. Static variables could be used to assign values that can be taken from another screens..
11 June 2021
Custom Image
This extension allows you to create images with different shapes with many properties like stroke width and stroke colors..
02 May 2021
Flip Animation
This is a simple extension that allows you to flip any component or layout with animation duration and four directions..
22 March 2021
Gradient Drawable
This extension allows you to create custom backgrounds with colors, stroke and custom corner radii. This extension comes with many customizations.
19 March 2021
Shimmer TextView
This extension allows you to create custom labels and buttons components with shimmer animation effect and many more customizations.
12 March 2021
Random Generator
This extension allows you to generate random string in both uppercase and lowercase with numbers and a lot of special characters & symbol mixed in them..
05 January 2021
Countdown Timer
This extension allows you to show countdowns timer in your apps. You can use it both offline and online ways. It comes with many abilities.
03 December 2020