[FREE] Firebase Store – Updated Version for FireStore Extension made by Jarlisson

1. Introduction

Description: This is the remake of the Firestore extension that was developed by Jarlisson. Since this extension was stopped working when all builders was migrated to Androidx libraries. I have remade this extension to make it work work with others builders. This extension is currently tested in Kodular and Niotron and it is working in both of them. This remade extension contains a lot of changes such as extension name and extension size is increased too but it won’t affect your APK size much. This extension uses all the sources and all blocks of the older Firestore extension. I have added some new features such as Increment and maybe in future I would be able to add more. This extension now works with other firebase components too.

Latest Version: 1.0

Released on: 03 July 2022

Updated on: 03 July 2022

File Size: 13.5MB

2. New Blocks

Since it contains all the blocks of older firestore extension so I am not going to post them here again. you should be able to find those all details and documentations of the blocks in old topic that was officially published by Jarlisson.


This event raises when the Increment query failed.


This event raises when the Increment query of a document success.


This blocks runs the Increment query of given fields with given values. This block is used to update a int value on the database without reading it. For ex, If you have a value in database 10 and you want to increase it by 5 then you don’t need to read it and then store it again, You can use this block to increase the 5 in that value directly.


This block initializes the Firestore component with persistent property. This block is changed in this remake version. New properties are created for database details.


Returns true if the initialization was successful.


Properties for setting the firebase details.

The documentation of all blocks can be found on the Original Topic.

3. Usage

Here is a quick usage and info about new blocks.


You can initialize in the same way. Make sure to fill the Firebase details first in properties.


You can run the increment query this way after giving the document reference. fieldsAndValues must be a dictionary. You can give here all the keys that you want to update with increment query.

There is nothing more to tell you about. If you have any issue regarding using it then I would like you to read the older topic. All blocks are documented well there. There is an helper extensions that you will have to add in your project in order to let firestore work in your app. It depends on your platform that you are using. Make sure to drag these components on Screen1 in order to use Firebase Store. Kodular :- Kodular Firebase Helper, Onesignal Push Notification. Niotron :- Niotron Firebase Helper, Firebase Core, Firebase Auth. These components only need to be dragged even if you don’t use it. Make sure to use the right Firestore helper according to your problem. The extension won’t work if you did something wrong. The role of helper extension is just to add the required libraries in your apps. You just have to drag ht helper extension in your project on any screen but it is must to drag it if you just imported it and did not dragged it then your APK will crash. However the main Firebase Store extension will show you an error dialog indicating that you have not dragged the Firestore Helper extension in your app.


File Name: com.sumit1334.firebasestore.aix

5. Donate

If you liked my any work or the extension, you can support by donating some amount.

Paypal: paypal.me

UPI: iamwsumit@kotak

If you have any issue regarding the extension then you can contact me here

Thank you

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